Backing up and Restoring Access Keys

The database back up and restoration processes described in Backing up the Cluster Node Database and Restoring the Cluster Node Database do not completely restore access keys to the ATC Manager UI. Aspera recommends backing up your access keys so that you can restore them if the cluster or ATC Manager fail or are relaunched. This is done using scripts included in your ATC Manager.

Backing up Access Keys

  1. SSH into the ATC Manager and elevate the user to root.
    # ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 22 centos@ip_address
    # su -
  2. Create a backup by running the following script:
    # /opt/aspera/atcm/scripts/ cluster_id > ak_backup.json

    Retrieve the cluster ID by going to the Clusters page, clicking the cluster, and clicking its Description tab. Running the script without any arguments also returns a list of cluster IDs.

    The command creates a file, ak_backup.json, that contains all of the access keys associated with the specified cluster.

  3. Aspera recommends copying the backup file to a bucket or path in your object storage or to your local computer.
    For example, to copy the backup file ak_backup.json to an S3 bucket, the command is similar to the following:
    # /opt/aspera/bin/axcloudcp ak_backup.json s3://

Restoring Access Keys

  1. SSH into the ATC Manager and elevate the user to root.
    # ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 22 centos@ip_address
    # su -
  2. Copy the access key backup file back to the ATC Manager, if needed.
    For example, to copy the backup file ak_backup.json from an S3 bucket, the command is similar to the following:
    # /opt/aspera/bin/axcloudcp s3:// .
  3. Restore the access key data by running the following script:
    # /opt/aspera/atcm/scripts/ cluster_id ak_backup.json