Using Custom Scripts to Configure the ATC Manager


Custom scripts are set by expanding the Advanced Detail section on the Configure Instance Details page when launching the ATC Manager AMI. (To review how to launch a cluster, see Launching the ATC Manager AMI.)

To create custom scripts, the RDS database for use with the cluster must already be created so that you can specify your RDS endpoint URL. For more information, see Creating the RDS Database.

Scripts are added in the User Data field after the instance user data and the -----SCRIPT----- separator. The SCRIPT separator must have exactly five dashes on each side. The following examples provide guides for typical configurations.

Assign Internal IP Address for the ATC Manager

Use the following script to automatically assign a specific Internal IP to your ATC Manager. Replace your_rds_endpoint_url and your_ip_address with their actual values.

Note: The IP address you choose must be in the same subnet as your cluster. Check that no one is already using that IP address.
    "restore": true, 
    "statestore_backup_period": "1m",
    "database": {
        "host": "your_rds_endpoint_url",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "db_username",
        "password": "db_password"
# Attach a secondary private IP address to eth0 on AWS EC2. 

# the IP to use

curl="curl -sS"
region=$($curl/dynamic/instance-identity/document/ | jq --raw-output '.region')
while read -r mac; do
  if [ "$device_number" -eq "0" ]; then
    aws ec2 assign-private-ip-addresses --region "$region" --network-interface-id "$eni_id" --private-ip-addresses $ip
done <<< "$macs"

echo "DEVICE=eth0:1
NETMASK=" > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1

ifup eth0:1

# set the ip in the cluster manager configuration
echo "$(jq --arg ip "$ip" '.private_ip |= $ip' /opt/aspera/atcm/etc/atc-api.conf)" > /opt/aspera/atcm/etc/atc-api.conf

Assign Specific Elastic IP to ATC Manager

Use the following script to automatically assign a specific Elastic IP to your ATC Manager. Replace your_rds_endpoint_url and your_eip_allocation_id with their actual values.

    "restore": true, 
    "statestore_backup_period": "1m",
    "database": {
        "host": "your_rds_endpoint_url",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "db_username",
        "password": "db_password"
# assign elastic IP

curl="curl -sS"
region=$($curl/dynamic/instance-identity/document/ | jq --raw-output '.region')
instance_id=$($curl/dynamic/instance-identity/document/ | jq --raw-output '.instanceId')
aws ec2 associate-address --region "$region" --instance-id "$instance_id" --allocation-id "$eip" --allow-reassociation

Assign the Elastic Load Balancer to the ATC Manager

Note: In order to use this script, your cluster manager needs the ELB IAM policy. For more information on the policy, see Creating the ELB IAM Policy.

Use the following script to assign an ELB to your ATC Manager. Replace your_rds_endpoint_url and your_elb_name with their actual values. This script automatically retrieves the ELB DNS name using the ELB name.

    "restore": true, 
    "statestore_backup_period": "1m",
    "database": {
        "host": "your_rds_endpoint_url",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "db_username",
        "password": "db_password"
# assign elastic load balancer
curl="curl -sS"
region=$($curl/dynamic/instance-identity/document/ | jq --raw-output '.region')
aws elb register-instances-with-load-balancer --region="$region" --load-balancer-name "$elb" --instances "$instance_id"
elb_dnsname="$(aws elb describe-load-balancers --region="$region" | jq --arg elb "$elb" --raw-output '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.LoadBalancerName == $elb) | .DNSName')"
echo "$(jq --arg elb_dnsname "$elb_dnsname" '.private_ip |= $elb_dnsname' /opt/aspera/atcm/etc/atc-api.conf)" > /opt/aspera/atcm/etc/atc-api.conf 

Automatically Tag New EBS Volumes

Use the following script to automatically tag EBS volumes that are created by nodes in you ATC Manager. Replace your_rds_endpoint_url with its actual value, your_tag_name with a descriptor such as Name, and your_tag_value with a value such as EBS_from_ATCM.

    "restore": true, 
    "statestore_backup_period": "1m",
    "database": {
        "host": "your_rds_endpoint_url",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "db_username",
        "password": "db_password"
# tag new ebs volumes

Region=$(curl -sS | jq --raw-output '.region')
Instance=$(curl -sS
Volume=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $Instance --region $Region | jq --raw-output '.Reservations[].Instances[].BlockDeviceMappings[].Ebs.VolumeId')

aws ec2 create-tags --resources $Volume --tags Key=$Key,Value=$Value --region $Region