Creating a Template

Prior to launching a cluster, you must configure a template with your settings. Configure the cluster template to match your environment settings. For most deployments, you need to modify only two sections: Provider and DNS configuration. Your cluster is configured to maximize performance, but if you need to transfer at higher speeds or transfer hundreds of thousands of files, see additional configuration suggestions in Performance Tuning.
  1. In the ATC Manager console, click Templates.
  2. If you are deploying your cluster in SoftLayer but using the Route 53 DNS service, retrieve the Route 53 configuration template.
    The SoftLayer Default template includes the DNS configuration for Softlayer DNS. To get the Route 53 configuration, click Action > Edit Template in the row for and copy the text from the DNS Configuration section. Return to the Templates page.
  3. In the row for the default template, SoftLayer Default, click the Action drop-down menu and click Duplicate.
  4. Edit the Provider section.
    Setting Description
    Username The SoftLayer user account.
    API Key The SoftLayer user account API authentication key. To find your API key, open the SoftLayer consoel, go to Account > Users, and click your username. Look for your Authentication Key under the API Access Information section.
    Image ID The SoftLayer image ID you received from Aspera
    SSH Keys Any SSH keys you provided when starting the instance in SoftLayer
    VLAN ID The VLAN ID for the public and private VLANs used to provision cluster nodes in those VLANs
        "type": "softlayer",
        "username": "your_api_user",
        "api_key": "your_api_key",
        "private_url": false,
        "http_read_timeout": "1m",
        "location": "dal05",
        "image_id": "your_image_id",
        "cpus": 1,
        "network": "1 Gbps",
        "ssh_keys": [
        "vlans": [
                "private" : vlan_id, 
                 "public" : vlan_id 
    For example:
        "type": "softlayer",
        "username": atcm_admin,
        "api_key": "4416e6f8ea73925eb79cbe90cag11881dcd34ce01fb48a7ee4bf0910200c6a7",
        "private_url": false,
        "http_read_timeout": "1m",
        "location": "dal05",
        "image_id": "1717f054-ed3e-4288-b88b-a8b8781cd42e",
        "cpus": 1,
        "network": "1 Gbps",
        "ssh_keys": [
        "vlans": [
                "private" : 1660, 
                 "public" : 1606 
  5. Edit the DNS Configuration.
    The first entry in the DNS configuration is the service type: Route 53 ("AWS_Route53") or Softlayer DNS ("SOFTLAYER_DNS"). If you are using a different DNS service than the one in your template, open the default template for the corresponding service provider and copy the DNS Configuration template over.

    The DNS configuration requires the following settings:

    Setting Description
    Hosted Zone The hosted zone name. The name must include the final dot (for example,
    Hosted Zone ID The hosted zone ID is optional and is only needed if you have multiple hosted zones with the same name (for example, the same zone for both private and public networks).
    TTL The time-to-live in seconds for DNS responses.
    Storage Credentials Enter the access credentials for your storage as described in the following sections.

    Using AWS Access Keys for Route 53 Authentication

    The access key must be associated with an AWS user that needs to have permission to update Route 53. You need both your Access Key and Secret Access Key IDs. You can create and obtain your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key ID by following the steps on the Amazon website:
        "type": "AWS_ROUTE53",
        "aws_credentials": {
            "access_key_id": "access_key",
            "secret_access_key": "secret_key"
        "hosted_zone": "hosted_zone",
        "hosted_zone_id": "hosted_zone_id"
        "ttl": 1

    For example:

        "type": "AWS_ROUTE53",
        "aws_credentials": {
            "access_key_id": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE",
            "secret_access_key": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
        "hosted_zone": "",
        "hosted_zone_id": "Z1ZXQD414LGXRA"
        "ttl": 1

    Using SoftLayer Credentials for SoftLayer DNS Authentication

    Authenticate using your API username and API key.

      "sl_credentials": {
        "username": "api_username",
        "api_key": "api_key_password",
        "private_url": false

    For example:

      "sl_credentials": {
        "username": "IBMOS303456-2:someuser",
        "api_key": "af879bf5737b3e7f98919d98f524c52d62771a736066b39606968fef4db78f77",
        "private_url": false
  6. To customize your cluster nodes, enter a shell script into the Firstboot Script field.
    You can customize your transfer nodes by specifying a first-boot script when launching the cluster. This script is run before all other first-boot scripts. For more information on using first-boot scripts, see Customizing Cluster Nodes Using First-boot Scripts.
  7. Click Save Changes.