Built-in I/O Providers

Input/Output providers are library modules that abstract I/O scheme in ascp4 architecture. ascp4 has the following three built-in I/O providers:

The default I/O scheme is file if there is no docroot and no scheme in the path. For examples of ascp4 sessions that use UDP and TCP providers, see Ascp4 Examples.

File provider

The local disk can be specified for ascp4 I/O by using a simple path or URL that starts with file. The following paths identify the same file (/test/ascp4.log) on the disk:

Similarly, the following URLs identify the same file (test/ascp4.log) on the disk:

UDP provider

A UDP stream can be specified for ascp4 I/O by using a URL that starts with udp. If the UDP stream is a multicast IP address, then ascp4 connects to the multicast address. ascp4 reads the UDP datagrams on the source and writes UDP datagrams on the destination. A UDP-provider filepath has the following format:

The UDP provider URL accepts the following options:

TCP provider

A TCP stream can be used for ascp4 I/O by specifying a URL that starts with tcp. ascp4 reads TCP data from the source and writes TCP data on the destination. Use the following format to specify a TCP provider on the source or destination:

The TCP provider of the sender can also be specified with the following format:

With this format, ascp4 listens on the specified port up to a specified time (maxidle, see the following description of options for TCP provider URLs).

The TCP provider URL accepts the following options: