files Command Reference

Files Subcommands

The files command offers the following subcommands:
send send a package to a Files workspace
help view help information for a command
version print the version number of this program

For examples of Files subcommands in use, see Files Examples

The send Subcommand

Use the send subcommand to send a package. The syntax for send is as follows:
# aspera files send [args]

Arguments for the send subcommand:

-f path


The file or files to send in the package. You can specify this option multiple times, to indicate multiple files.


Get a list of the Files workspaces.
-n package_name


A name for the package.
-m "body_text"


[Optional] Text for the body of the email message.
-o organization_name


The name of the organization in Files that is the source of the package you are sending. Organizations are specified in the .aspera_cli_conf file.
-q list_file

--filelist list_file

A file that contains a list of files to transfer.

In the list_file, list the files that you want to transfer. list_file must be a plaintext file. Files must be sparated by newline characters. Paths to these files can be stated as relative to the current directory, or as absolute paths.

-r recipient


Recipient(s) of the package. You can specify this option multiple times, to indicate multiple recipients. The recipient string should be a valid email address.
-u username


The Files username (an email address).


[Optional] Show more verbose output, for debugging.
-w workspace_name


The Files workspace to send content to.