Sending Packages

When a local transfer is initiated, IBM Aspera Faspex prompts IBM Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in to start a session. You must allow the Connect browser plug-in to run in order to send packages with Faspex.
Note: Remote transfers do not prompt the Connect browser plug-in.
  1. Go tot New Package.
    Note: If the New Package button opens a drop-down menu, choose Normal Package. Other options send packages to your dropboxes. For more information about dropboxes, see Working with Dropboxes.
  2. Specify recipients in the following fields:
    Option Description
    To Enter the package recipients on the To line. A recipient can be any one of the following:
    • A Faspex account name.
    • The email address of an external user (if this is permitted for your account). For more information on sending to external users, see Allowing Users to Send to External Email Addresses.
    • A workgroup name, which begins with an asterisk (*).
    • A name of a distribution list.
    To view your contact list, click the button. The contact list shows the Faspex users, workgroups, and distribution lists you can access. If you are permitted to send packages to external email addresses, Faspex also saves the email address to your contact list when you send files to a new address. To remove an email address from your contact list, go to Account > Edit Contacts.
    To (private) To show this field, click Show Private Recipients.You can send package as a BCC (blind carbon-copy) to Faspex account names, external email addresses (if allowed), or distribution lists in this field.
    CC (Upload/Download/Receipt) You can notify others when packages are uploaded or downloaded by enabling these fields and entering Faspex account names or email addresses. If your account has Allow editing of receipt addresses on package creation enabled, you can add CC on the package received email by adding them to the Receipt list.

    You cannot enter workgroups in these fields. To hide these options, click Hide CC.

    Admins can configure CC notifications by going to Server > Notifications. For additional information, see "Notifications".

    Note: Valid delimiters when entering multiple recipients are commas (,) and semi-colons (;).
    Note: For recipient fields, Faspex automatically converts email address to existing Faspex users with the corresponding email addresses. For more information, see Package Recipient Expansion by Email Address.
  3. Enter a package title.
  4. Fill out custom metadata fields added by the admin.
    Faspex allows the admin to add custom metadata fields to the New Package form. For more information on custom metadata, see Configuring Metadata.
  5. Optional: Use encryption-at-rest for this transfer if allowed by the admin.
    Select Use encryption-at-rest to encrypt the package's contents on the server. If enabled, recipients are required to decrypt the package with a password to access its contents. For more information about encryption, see Configuring Security Settings.
  6. Set package expiration for this package if allowed by the admin.
    Select from one of the following auto-deletion rules:
    • Do nothing: Do not auto-delete after the package is downloaded.
    • Delete files after any recipient downloads all files: Delete after any recipient downloads all files in the package once.
      Important: When this option is selected, a forwarded package can be potentially deleted before the original recipient has downloaded it. Thus, proceed with caution when selecting this option.
    • Delete files after all recipients download all files: Delete if all files in the package have been downloaded by all recipients.
    For more information about package expiration, see Configure Package Storage.
  7. Select your content source if your Faspex account is allowed to create packages from remote sources.
    Select your content source from the Source drop-down list. For example, select whether to create a package from files on your local computer, another computer, or cloud storage.
    Important: Outside submitters are not be able to create packages from remote sources.
  8. Select content to include in your package.
    • Browse for files: Upload specified files to Faspex.
    • Browse for folders: Upload specified folders to Faspex.
    • Drag-and-drop: Drag files and folders to the browser to upload files. 1
  9. Click Send Package when you are finished.

Depending on your Package Storage settings, file packages sent from Faspex are either stored on the server for a specified duration or until they are manually deleted. You can find your sent packages by going to the tab Sent in the Faspex menu.

You can shorten the list of packages by archiving or deleting packages. If the option is available, click the Delete button or the Archive button. To locate archived packages, click View Full History.
Note: Only global admins and workgroup admins can archive packages. Regular workgroup members cannot archive packages.