Bulk Create and Manage Users with Rake Tasks

To manage users in bulk, use the following command syntax:
asctl faspex:rake users:bulk_command -- -u user_files -p properties_file
The available commands are:
  • bulk_create: Create the users with the names specified in the user_file.
  • bulk_update: Update the users with the names specified in the user_file.
  • bulk_delete: Delete the users with the names specified in the user_file.
Note: The bulk_create rake task does not support setting passwords for users. An admin must manually set the passwords for the created users.
For more details on the options, see the table below.

Rake Task Options

Options (Short Form) Options (Long Form) Description
-u userfile


Path to the CSV file specifying attributes to be applied to individual users (required).

The user file should have a format like the following, with the information of each new user per line:

-p propertyfile


Path to the CSV file specifying attributes to be applied to all users (required).

The properties file for adding local users to Faspex would look like this:

-h --help Print out help information for this rake task.