Updating Your License

IBM Aspera Faspex requires you to install a valid license key before you can configure Faspex users and begin sending or receiving packages.
  1. Locate your Faspex license key file.
    Download the license file with the .aspera-license file extension in the authorization email sent to you by Aspera (for example, aspera.faspex.companyname.aspera-license).
    Note: If you have not received this email or need it resent, contact Technical Support for assistance.
  2. Go to Server > Configuration > License.
  3. Click Browse to upload a license file from your computer or paste the contents of your license into the box. Then click Update and validate license
  4. Update the transfer server license.
    When updating your Faspex license, make sure the license for the dfeault transfer server is also up-to-date. For instructions on how to update your Enterprise Server license, see IBM Aspera Enterprise Server Admin Guide: Updating the Product License.
Your Faspex license also controls the max number of users that can be logged in simultaneously. For more informatio, see Maximum Number of Users.