Viewing and Downloading Packages

  1. View your received packages.
    • Download a package you received: Go to Received.
    • Download a package you sent: Go to Sent.
    • Download any package sent through Faspex: Go to Server > Packages.
    Tip: Admins can shorten their received packages list by moving packages into archive. To do so, click the Archive link within the corresponding package row (under the Action column). To locate archived packages, click View Full History link.
  2. Optional: Sort your packages.

    In the packages list, you can click the header bar links to sort your packages. For example, when clicking Sender, all packages are sorted alphabetically by sender's name.

    Three additional columns exist when viewing all packages sent through Faspex:
    Header Description
    Downloads Full/Partial The number of times the corresponding package has been fully or partially downloaded.
    Files on Server? States whether the package is currently stored on the server:
    • yes: All files in the package have been uploaded.
    • partial: Some of the files in the package have been uploaded.
    • deleted: The package and its files have been deleted from the server.
    Action If you see an active Delete hyperlink, click it to delete the corresponding package from the server. If the package has already been deleted from the server, the entire row is grayed out and the field Files on Server? displays deleted.
    Important: You can also perform a batch deletion for packages that are older than "X" number of days. To do so, scroll to the bottom of the packages list and enter the number of days in the for packages [ # ] days or older field. The number is set to 30 days, by default. Click Delete files to proceed with the deletion.
  3. Click the button to download a package.
    Once you have initiated the download, you are asked to confirm your download directory; after which, Faspex prompts the IBM Aspera Connect to start a session. When the Confirm window appears, click Allow to begin.
    Note: When downloading a received package, the Connect prompts the user for a passphrase if the package is encrypted. The Connect also prompts for a passphrase if the package contains any .aspera-env files within the folder hierarchy, even if the package also contains unencrypted files or files encrypted with different passphrases. If you choose to keep downloaded files encrypted, you do not need to enter a password until you attempt to decrypt the files locally. For more information about decrypting protected files, see Decrypting Protected Files.