Backing Up Shares and the Database

Tip: The Shares on Demand web UI and nginx service will still be available while performing a backup.
  1. Run the following script as a root user.
    The script stops Shares on Demand services, backs up all necessary files, and restarts Shares on Demand. You cannot use this procedure with earlier versions of Shares on Demand.
    # /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/backup /backup_dir 
    For example:
    # /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/backup /tmp
    Creating backup directory /tmp/20130627025459 ...
    Checking status of aspera-shares ...
    Status is running
    mysqld is alive
    Backing up the Shares database and config files ...
    Backing up the SSL certificates ...
  2. Make a note of the ID of the created backup directory for future use. In the above example: 20130627025459.
For instructions on how to restore a backup of Shares, see Restoring Shares from a Backup.