Configure User Preferences

To configure your individual user account's settings, select your username in the top right corner and select Preferences.

Here you can change general settings such as your first and last name, your password, and your email address. You can also change your email notification options, configure your system display, and choose to suppress the Aspera Connect install dialog.

Email Settings

Note: All notifications are enabled by default.
Item Description
Notify me when I am granted access to a new share Receive an email whenever you are given access to a new share.
Notify me when a new transfer is completed to a share (and share notification is enabled) Receive an email when new content has been added to your share. An admin must enable notifications for that share for you to receive an email.
Notify me when a user is authorized to a share Receive an email whenever a user is given access to a share.
Note: This option is available for admins only.
Notify me when a new user has requested an account Receive an email whenever a new user requests an account when self-registration is enabled and set to moderated.
Note: This option is available for admins only.


Item Description
Time Zone The time zone for your system.
Date Order The order that date, month, and year are displayed.
Date Delimiter Separates the date, month, and year.
Time Format Display a 12-hour time format or a 24-hour time format.
Number Delimiter Denotes the thousands place in a number. For example, if a comma ( , ) is chosen as the delimiter: "1,000".
Note: Number delimiter and separator cannot be the same.
Number Separator Denotes the decimal place in a number. For example, if a period ( . ) is chosen as the delimiter: "10.25".
Note: Number delimiter and separator cannot be the same.
Items Per Page: The number of items Shares will display per page. The default is 50.

Connect Install Dialog

As you navigate through the Shares, each page checks for the presence of the IBM Aspera Connect Browser Plug-in. If Connect is not present, Shares prompts you to download the plug-in. Setting the value of this option to "true" suppresses Shares from prompting you to install Connect on each page.