Setting Docroots for Object Storage and HDFS

Docroot path syntax is typically a protocol followed by URL-encoded storage account access credentials and a path in that storage. Aspera-required object storage configuration properties can also be set in the docroot or set in the protocol-specific Trapd .properties configuration file. The general syntax is:


Docroot paths may be set to cloud or on-premises object storage in the Enterprise Server GUI or by editing aspera.conf using asconfigurator. To set the docroot for a user with asconfigurator, run the following command:

# asconfigurator -x "set_user_data;user_name,username;absolute,docroot"

The docroot can also be configured manually by adding the following text to /opt/aspera/etc/aspera.conf:

Note: After setting the docroot, you must restart the Asperanoded service by running the following command:
# service asperanoded restart

Object Storage Docroot Formats

Docroot Formatting Requirements:

  • The protocol prefixes for cloud-based docroot paths are case sensitive. For example, "s3://" is the correct prefix for S3 storage and "S3://" does not work.
  • The variable components of URI docroots must be URL encoded, unless you are entering them in the Enterprise Server GUI. For more information, see URL Encoding.
Aspera recommends using IAM assumed roles, in which case the docroot has the format:

For more information on the IAM roles required for Aspera, see the following knowledge base article:

Without IAM roles, you must specify your access_id and secret_key. You can find these values in the AWS Management Console by clicking your login name and selecting Security Credentials from the drop-down menu. The docroot includes this information with the following format:


The docroot can also be used to set storage configuration properties including AWS storage class, infrequent acccess, server encryption, or AWS KMS encryption, by adding the appropriate option:


These options can be combined as in the following example, where the & that combines the queries must be URI encoded:

Azure blob
Google Cloud Storage
If the instance was set up with a Google service account, the docroot is set as:

Without a Google service account, obtain the .p12 private key for your storage. For instructions on generating a private key, see the Google Cloud Platform documentation:

Save the .p12 file in /opt/aspera/etc/trap. You can specify the project ID and path to the private key either as part of the docroot URI, as in the following example:

Note: The email_address is the service account ID associated with the storage. You must URL encode the "@" when entering the email address in the docroot. For example, if the service account ID is, then it is entered in the docroot as:

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

Where username is that of an Enterprise Server transfer user. You can use any transfer user on the Enterprise Server because the HDFS URI indicates which user is connecting to HDFS.

IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) - S3
OpenStack Swift, including IBM COS - Swift
The following is the basic docroot format for all Swift-based object storage systems, including IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) - Swift:

The auth_url is the URL pointing to the Keystone Admin service and is entered in the docroot without the preceding "https://". For example, if auth_url is reported as, then the auth_url is in the docroot.

Additional docroot requirements for OpenStack Swift: Additional configuration of Trapd is required for OpenStack Swift-based storages to use the KeyStone idenity service. These can be set in the docroot, with the format docroot?setting.

For SoftLayer (including IBM COS - Swift), add ?aspera.swift.endpoint.auth-path=/auth/v1.0 to the docroot. For example, a docroot for IBM COS - Swift is written:
