Upgrading Aspera Shares

Note: Aspera® recommends that you backup your system before performing an upgrade. For details on how to back up your system, see Backing Up Aspera Shares and the Database.
  1. Download Aspera Shares from http://downloads.asperasoft.com/en/downloads/34. You need your Aspera credentials for downloading the software.
  2. Stop Aspera Shares services if you are currently running Aspera Shares 1.0.3 or earlier:
    [root] $ /etc/init.d/nginx stop
    [root] $ /etc/init.d/delayed_job stop
  3. Run the following command as root and follow the instructions, where version is the package version:
    [root] $ rpm -Uvh aspera-shares-version.rpm

    The following is an example of the instructions displayed when the rpm command finds a version of Aspera Shares prior to 1.5.

      [root] $ rpm -Uvh aspera-shares- 
      Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
      You appear to be upgrading from a version that is too old.
      The currently installed version appears to be

      To upgrade, you must first back up your data and uninstall the old version.
      To back up your data and uninstall the old version, follow the steps below as the root user.
      ## Back up your data:
      Back up the database and application configuration:
          [root]$ /opt/aspera/shares/script/rake.sh backup DIR=/tmp
      This creates a backup directory with a name like
      If you have custom private key and certificate authority-signed certificate, back them up:
          [root]$ cp /opt/aspera/shares/conf/cert.key /opt/aspera/shares/conf/cert.pem /tmp/20130101012345
      ## Stop the application
          [root]$ /etc/init.d/aspera_shares_nginx stop
          [root]$ /etc/init.d/aspera_shares_delayed_job stop
      ## Remove the service scripts that cause the application to start on server boot:
      Use the distribution-specific tool to uninstall the service script from all runlevels:
      A.  For RHEL, CentOS, or SUSE:
              [root]$ chkconfig --del aspera_shares_nginx
              [root]$ chkconfig --del aspera_shares_delayed_job
      B.  For Debian or Ubuntu:
              [root]$ update-rc.d -f aspera_shares_nginx remove
              [root]$ update-rc.d -f aspera_shares_delayed_job remove
      Remove the service scripts:
          [root]$ rm /etc/init.d/aspera_shares_nginx
          [root]$ rm /etc/init.d/aspera_shares_delayed_job
      ## Uninstall the rpm:
          [root]$ rpm -e aspera-shares
      ## Back up any remaining files:
          [root]$ mv /opt/aspera/shares /opt/aspera/shares.bak
      ## Stop the system MySQL unless otherwise needed
      aspera-shares- no longer uses the system-provided MySQL.
      To stop:
          [root]$ /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
          [root]$ chkconfig mysqld off
      You are ready to install the new version and restore your backup.
      ## Install the rpm
          [root]$ rpm -Uvh aspera-shares-
      ## Run the install script
          [root]$ /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/install
      ## Restore your backup
          [root]$ /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/restore /tmp/20130101012345
      error: %pre(aspera-shares- scriptlet failed, exit status 1
      error:   install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping aspera-shares-  

    Upgrading from 1.5 or later: If the rpm command finds Aspera Shares 1.5 already installed on the system, it displays instructions like the following:

    [root] $ rpm -Uvh aspera-shares- 
      Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
      Switching to the down runlevel ...
      runsvchdir: down: now current.
      Switched runlevel
      Checking status of aspera-shares ...
      Status is running
      Stopping aspera-shares ...
         1:aspera-shares          ########################################### [100%]
      To complete the upgrade, please run this script as the root user:
          [root]$ /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/upgrade
  4. Run the upgrade script:
    [root] $ /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/upgrade 
      Checking status of aspera-shares ...
      Status is stopped
      Starting aspera-shares ...
      Waiting for MySQL server to answer
      mysqld is alive
      Migrating the Shares database ...
      Initializing the Shares database ...
      Migrating the stats collector database ...
  5. If upgrading from Shares version prior to 1.5, restore the database:
    [root] $ /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/restore directory
      Checking status of aspera-shares ...
      Status is running
      mysqld is alive
      Restoring the Shares database ...
      Migrating the Shares database ...
      Initializing the Shares database ...
      Configuring the stats collector to poll all nodes ...