Restoring Aspera Shares from a Backup

Note: To perform a backup see Backing Up Aspera Shares and the Database.

Run the following script as root. The script stops Aspera® Shares™ services, restores Aspera Shares data, and restarts Aspera Shares. You cannot use this procedure with earlier versions of Aspera Shares.

# /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/restore /your_backup_dir/backup_id

For example, using the ID of the example directory generated in Backing Up Aspera Shares and the Database:

# /opt/aspera/shares/u/setup/bin/restore /tmp/20130627025459
Checking status of aspera-shares ...
Status is running
mysqld is alive
Restoring the Shares database and config files ...
Migrating the Shares database ...
Initializing the Shares database ...
Configuring the stats collector to poll all nodes ...
Restoring the SSL certificates ...