Setting Up Shares and Console on the Same Host

Note: You need to ensure that you install Aspera Console before you install Aspera Shares.
  1. Install Console
  2. Install Shares .rpm, but do not run the install script
  3. Use a text editor to open the my.cnf.setup file located at:
    Provide the MySQL username and password that you used during the install of Aspera Console
    user     = root
    password = aspera
    host     =
    port     = 4406
  4. Run the Aspera Shares installer
  5. Disable the Apache Web Server
    asctl apache:stop
  6. Create a symlink to a file located at /opt/aspera/shares/etc/nginx/locations-enabled/console i.e.
    ln -s ../locations-available/console /opt/aspera/shares/etc/nginx/locations-enabled/
  7. Restart the Nginx service
    service aspera-shares restart