Configure Stats Collector Log Levels

Edit the stats collector logging configuration file (logback.xml) to enable more detailed informaiton in its logs.

  1. Open the logback.xml file located at /opt/aspera/shares/u/stats-collector/etc/logback.xml.
  2. Towards the bottom of the file, change INFO to DEBUG in the following section:
    Change the INFO flag to DEBUG.
    The log level flag is set to INFO by default.
    <root level="${statscollector.log.level:-INFO}">
      <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
      <appender-ref ref="STDERR" />
  3. Restart stats collector for the changes to take effect.
    Run the following command:
    # /opt/aspera/shares/sbin/sv restart stats-collector
Stats collector logs should now show debugging information. To change log levels back to normal, open the logback.xml file and change DEBUG back to INFO.