Configuring System Settings

The following system configuration options are available under the System Settings menu on the Admin page.

Setting Description
Background Configure the frequency with which Shares monitors and updates the system. Also set the minimum allowable remaining space available on the Shares server, below which a warning notification is issued.
Home Shares Enable or disable Home Shares. For more information on Home Shares, see Managing Home Shares and Enabling Home Shares.
License View or change your Shares license. For more information on updating your license, see Updating the License.
Localization Configure your Shares server with your local timezone, date format, and time format. For more information on localization, see Configuring the Shares Time Zone and Time Format
Logging Configure the logging density. For more information on logging, see Configuring Logging Settings.
Logos Add, edit, or delete a custom logo for your Shares web application. Logo image files must be less than 500 kb. To make the new logo active, click Select. To delete a logo image file, click Delete.
Messages Create messages that appear at the top of the log in page and the home page for all users.
Transfers Configure settings for upload and download rates, transfer policies, and encryption. for more information on configuring transfers, see Configuring Transfer Settings.
Web Server Configure the web server settings, including the host, port, and whether SSL/TLS is enabled. For more information, see Configuring the Web Server.