Installing an SSL Certificate for Shares

Install your own private key, csr, and pem file for the Shares web server.

To install an SSL certificate that you have purchased, or you have generated as described in the Aspera Enterprise Server Admin Guide, follow the steps below.

  1. Rename the certificate files provided with Shares On Demand.
    Locate the original cert.pem and cert.key files in /opt/aspera/shares/conf. Rename them as follows:
    # cd /opt/aspera/shares/conf
    # mv cert.pem cert.pem.orig
    # mv cert.key cert.key.orig
  2. Copy your new SSL cert files to /opt/aspera/shares/conf.
    Rename the cert file cert.pem and rename the key file cert.key.
  3. Restart the web service.
    Restart nginx as follows:
    # /etc/init.d/aspera_shares_nginx restart