Installing SSL Provided by Authorities

To set up a signed SSL certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Order a signed certificate from a SSL certificate provider

    Order a signed SSL key from a certificate authority, and follow the key provider's instructions to generate and submit both of your private key and the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to acquire the certificate. Here is a list of commonly used certificate authorities.

  2. Replace your certificates with the new ones.

    Locate your existing SSL certificates and replace them with the ones that acquired from the certificate authority. Your certificates are located in the following path:

    • /opt/aspera/common/apache/conf/server.crt
    • /opt/aspera/common/apache/conf/server.key
  3. Install the Intermediate CA Certificate file (Optional).

    Your certificate provider may require you to also install an Intermediate CA Certificate file. Copy the file to the following location:


    Use a text editor to open the following file:


    In the file, un-comment the following line by removing the "#":

    SSLCertificateChainFile "${path}/conf/server-ca.crt"
  4. Regenerate Apache's configuration file.

    Use the command to regenerate Apache's configuration file to apply the new SSL certificates. This command will prompt you to restart Apache, answer y (yes):

    $ asctl apache:generate_config