Fetch the Output Specification of a Workflow


This is a method to fetch the output specification of a workflow (for example, step names and step variable names without the variable values).

The inputs to this API method are a workflow ID and authentication parameters (login and password) if passing them inline. The user must have privileges to view workflow details. The output of this API call is an XML response that contains information such as variable name, type, step name, and so on.

For example:
The required input parameter, which specifies the workflow ID, is the following:
Response example (XML):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<workflow_outputs_spec time="2012-09-14 23:04:50 UTC" action="opspec">
      <context id="5513">
        <created_at>2012-09-11 00:31:22 UTC</created_at>
        <updated_at>2012-09-11 00:31:22 UTC</updated_at>
      <context id="5512">
<step_name>Test FedWF</step_name>
        <created_at>2012-09-11 00:31:22 UTC</created_at>
        <updated_at>2012-09-11 00:31:22 UTC</updated_at>