Check the Status of a Specific Work Order


A method to poll the status of a specific work order, identified by its work order ID. The result includes both the overall status for the work-order as well as the individual status for all its composing steps. If the work order includes sub-workflows, only the sub-workflow status is displayed, not the status of the steps within the sub-workflow.The response can be in either XML or JSON format.

Usage for a request with an XML response:
The required input parameter is the following:
workflow_reporter/work_order_status/work order_id
Below is the usage for a request with JSON response which includes all steps:

For example:

Usage for a request with XML response which includes all steps:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<work_order time="2014-11-25 13:11:35 UTC" action="status" id="8461" master_id="8461">
   <name>tf1 demo duplicate</name>
   <workflow id="256" revision_id="5">tf1 demo duplicate</workflow>
   <status state="In Progress">Executing Step: user input (46755)</status>
   <priority dedicated_worker="false">2</priority>
      <created_at>2014-11-24 16:48:37 UTC</created_at>
      <initiated_at>2014-11-24 16:48:38 UTC</initiated_at>
      <updated_at>2014-11-24 16:48:40 UTC</updated_at>
      <work_step id="46756">
         <name>Create faspex package</name>
         <status state="In Progress" attempt="1">FASPEX Authorization received</status>
         <action type="FaspexDelivery" id="2"/>
         <created_at>2014-11-24 16:48:37 UTC</created_at>
         <initiated_at>2014-11-24 16:48:39 UTC</initiated_at>
         <updated_at>2014-11-24 16:48:39 UTC</updated_at>
         <completed_at>2014-11-24 16:48:39 UTC</completed_at>
Response example (JSON):
   "work_order":    {
      "workflow_revision_id": 5,
      "name": "tf1 demo duplicate",
      "initiate_date": "2014-11-24T16:48:38Z",
      "forkedAt": null,
      "derivedFrom": null,
      "workflowName": "tf1 demo duplicate",
      "created_at": "2014-11-24T16:48:37Z",
      "cleanup_after_days": null,
      "monitor_id": null,
      "comments": "",
      "updated_at": "2014-11-24T16:48:40Z",
      "priority": 2,
      "max_running": 0,
      "master_id": 8461,
      "launched_by": 1,
      "initiatedBy": 1,
      "branchedFrom": null,
      "statusDetails": "Executing Step: user input (46755)",
      "purge_after_days": null,
      "id": 8461,
      "workflow_id": 256,
      "branchedFromOrder": null,
      "higherPriority": null,
      "completion_date": null,
      "status": "In Progress",
      "running_as": 2
   "work_steps":    [
         "workOrder_id": 8461,
         "preProcessing": null,
         "group": 8461,
         "executionTimeout": 0,
         "activable_date": "2014-11-24T16:48:39Z",
         "stepName": null,
         "created_at": "2014-11-24T16:48:37Z",
         "updated_at": "2014-11-24T16:48:39Z",
         "timeout": null,
         "on_timeout": null,
         "step_type": "FaspexDelivery",
         "attempt": 1,
         "step_id": 3810,
         "statusDetails": "FASPEX Authorization received",
         "rank": 1,
         "id": 46756,
         "activation_date": "2014-11-24T16:48:39Z",
         "workflow_id": 256,
         "synch_filter": 0,
         "completion_date": "2014-11-24T16:48:39Z",
         "action_id": 2,
         "status": "In Progress",
         "running_as": 2,
         "original_activation_date": "2014-11-24T16:48:39Z",
         "workStepName": "Create faspex package",
         "postProcessing": null