ADI Parser and Validator Action Plugin

This plugin provides the necessary inputs required for parsing and validating the contents of an ADI.xml file. Currently, ADI v1.1 is supported.

Saved Parameters Description

  • Name: The name used to identify a saved ADI Parser and Validator configured instance.
  • Comments: The comments to identify the Adi Parser template
  • ADI File path: The file path to the ADI file.
  • ADI Version: The plugin currently supports ADI v 1.1.
  • Validate Against DTD?: If selected, Orchestrator looks for the DTD file in the ADI.xml's dir and uses it to validate ADI.xml.
  • Compare File Sizes: If selected, Orchestrator checks the filesizes of the files in ADI.xml on the filesystem and compares them to values in the ADI.xml.
  • Compare File MD5: If selected, Orchestrator checks the MD5s of the files in ADI.xml on the filesystem and compares them to values in the ADI.xml.
  • Pass ADI when missing assets?: If selected, Orchestrator does not fail the step if assets are missing.
  • ADI Package dir: Optional input which can be provided if the ADI Package dir is different from the one ADI.xml is present.
  • ADI Validations: Validations can be added via the widget to compare the values in AMS of App_Data tag.s
  • DTD File Path: Filepath pointing to the DTD file location.
  • Validate XSD: Select this option if you want to validate the XSD.
  • XSD File Path: Enter the path to the XSD file.
  • Strict Validation of Optional Fields: Select this option to fail a step when the optional fields fail validation.


The list of inputs depends on the configuration of this action template. All required parameters are available as inputs at run time if not specified by the template. This plugin does not support value overwrites; if a value is specified in the template, it will not be available as an input of the step at run time.

The following input is mandatory for ADI parsing and validation:

The following inputs are optional:


Outputs Description
  • List_of_Filenames: Names of the files in the ADI.xml
  • Count_of_ContentFiles: No. of files in the ADI.xml
  • ADI_Size_Hash: Hash with filenames as key and their filesize as value
  • ADI_MD5_Hash: Hash with filenames as key and their MD5 as value
  • Is_Valid_ADI : If all validations and file properties check out to be true, this value is true
  • ADI_Package_Metadata: ADI.xml metadata from AMS tag
  • Filetype_list: Hash with the class name as key and the content as value
  • Filesizes_validation: This flag is true if file sizes of content matches file sizes on disk
  • FileMD5s_validation: This flag is true if MD5 of content matches MD5 of file on disk
  • XSD_Validation: This flag is true if the XSD validation is successful
  • Failed_Filesize_Assets: Array of files which failed file size validation
  • Failed_MD5_Assets: Array of files which failed MD5 validation
  • Asset_IDs_hash: Hash of Asset IDs as values for each asset class (key)
  • ADI Validations: Any validation that is chosen in the template UI
  • XSD_Validation_Error_Message: Error message when XSD validation fails
  • URI Ids List: List of all Asset URIIds for classes

Usage: Creating an ADI Parsing and Validation Template

The following procedure is used to create an ADI template.

  1. Enter a name for the action template.
  2. Create a path to the ADI.xml. In a workflow, this field is available as a run time input.
  3. Make sure the ADI version is 1.1.
  4. Select the checkboxes for File size validation and MD5 checksum validation. The MD5 checksum check is not case-sensitive.
  5. Select whether or not the ADI.xml needs to be validated by a ADI.dtd file.
  6. Select the Pass of missing files check box, if you do not want the step to fail when assets are missing.
  7. Use the Add ADI Validations widget to add a set of validations.
  8. To add a validation, click Add ADI Validations Widget.
  9. In the fields that appear, first check the appropriate asset class. The asset classes for a CableLabs ADI v1.1 XML can only be the following: Package, Title, Movie, Preview, Poster, Still-Image, TrickAsset, Encrypted Asset.
  10. Not all ADI.xml files contain all asset classes, so chose wisely as to what to validate.
  11. In the Field Name text box, enter the field that needs to be validated in the chosen asset class.
    The user must have familiarity with ADI.xml to edit these options.
  12. In the Field Value text box, enter a value that you want to use to validate the data. The default value is a Glob expression, "*". The value supports wild cards like "*" and "?", globbing like val*ue, and regular expressions like /.+[A-Za-z]/.