Aspera Node API Plugin

This action plugin provides the ability to perform file system operations such as: search, rename, delete. It acquires from the node information needed to set up a transfer, including token, ssh user, and port, and it queries the status of a node (ping).

Saved Parameters Description

Inputs description

The list of inputs depends on the configuration of the AsperaNodeAPI action template.

Changes in this list of inputs will override any values set in the action template.

Outputs Description

Supported Actions




Operating Instructions


This action can do the following:

The remote nodes must be running Aspera Enterprise Server, Connect Server or Point to Point (Linux or Windows) with a valid license as they all use the asperanoded service for Node API calls. The node user name is a Node API account (not an operating system account on the Aspera transfer server). The transfer user (which is an operating system account) associated to the Node API account can be found by running the folllowing command on the Aspera server:

# /opt/aspera/bin/asnodeadmin -l 
   List of node user(s): 
                user       system/transfer user                    acls 
   ====================    =======================    ==================== 
           node_user                       xfer       [] 

The path to configure in the watch directory is relative to the docroot for this transfer user (in the example above, xfer).

The transfer user docroot can be found in /opt/aspera/etc/aspera.conf on the remote server such as:


For example, a watch directory like /root refers to /home/xfer/data/root on the remote server.

By default, only HTTPS (port 9092) is enabled on the Aspera servers for the Node API. To enable HTTP (port 9091) as well, make sure that /opt/aspera/etc/aspera.conf on the remote server holds this section:


Restart asperanoded on the remote server (as root) to enable any change in this aspera.conf port configuration:

service asperanoded restart

More information on the Aspera Node API can be found on the Aspera Developer Network.