Local Execution Action Plugin

This action plugin provides the ability to invoke a third-party application or a script running locally on the workflow server. The integration mechanism conforms to the CGI-BIN protocol used by web and application servers (for example, input parameters are provided as environment variables, and output is provided on the stdio).

Saved Parameters Description

Inputs Description

The list of inputs depends on the configuration of the LocalExecution action template. By default, no inputs are provided.

Outputs Description

Note: If the command exit code is different from 0, the plugin will return in failure.

Supported Actions




Operating Instructions

This action executes the command line provided in its configuration. The executable or script identified in the command line is provided some inputs parameters as command line arguments and some as environment variables. The command line string use can contain static text and variable expanded at run-time. Variable are indicated using the syntax <%=variable_name%> embedded into static text, for example, "file_scan.sh <%=file_name%> -s <%=icap_sever_name%>".

The executables or script must be located in #{EXECUTABLE_DIRECTORY}. Scripts must have a leading "shebang" ("!").

If the 'parallel execution' mode is selected, status update can be provided by the executable using the following format:

Either STATUS or STATUS message can be left empty. For example:
If a list of outputs is provided in the formatted outputs field, specified variables will be extracted from the stdio if they follow the following formatting:

For example: '-#OUTPUT:size--#--120568#-' -> will populate an outputs entry @outputs['size']=120568, if an output of type TYPE_INT is specified.

Note: The stdio line containing the formatted inputs above are removed from the stdio or multiline output variable if the formatted outputs field is not empty.