Workflow Launcher Action Plugin


This action plugin launches one workflow from within another. It is similar to the Sub-workflow plugin, but it differs in that Workflow Launcher simply launches another workflow and then the current workflow immediately proceeds. This behavior is asynchronous compared to Sub-workflow, where the current workflow will wait for the launched workflow to return before proceeding. A Workflow Launcher step is Complete when it has successfully launched the workflow it is configured to, whereas a Sub-workflow step is Complete when the sub-workflow it launched has completed its execution.

Saved Parameters Description

Inputs Description

If the default template is used, for example, the workflow to be launched is not set at design time.

Outputs Description

Supported Actions




Operating Instructions

This action very simply launches another workflow. This is done asynchronously, meaning that once this step triggers, it simply launches the workflow and the workflow continues. It does not wait for the execution of the launched workflow to complete.
Note: The work_order ID of the launched workflow is returned as an output to allow it to be tracked.
Tracking can be done either using the GUI: http://orchestrator_url/work_orders/; for example, will return the details for that work order (the one with ID 130031). Alternatively, querying the status of the spawned work order can be done using the API. The URL for the request is then described in the API section of the documentation, in details. A basic status check would look like the following:
The result is be an XML file detailing step-by-step status for that work order.