Creating a Folder Monitor

  1. Click Monitor, then click Configure folders monitor.
    A new screen opens.
  2. Click New folder monitor.
    The Configure folder monitor screen opens.
  3. Edit the configuration fields as needed, then click Create.

    Configuration options are described in the following table.

    Option Description
    Active Monitor The monitor process will add the new folder monitor to its list of folders to monitor.
    Report folders Stats reported include folders inside the folder.
    Report files Stats reported include files inside the folder.
    Run on a remote node The folder monitor starts an SSH tunnel to the remote node and obtains information about the folder.
    Note: Do not select this option if the folder is local to Orchestrator.
    Descend recursively The stats about the folder will include subfolders and their associated files.
    Filename pattern filter A glob pattern to include stats about certain types of files. For example, *.mov will only report files with a .mov extension.

    The following example shows the configuration of a folder monitor for a folder located at /mnt/incoming/test_folder/.