Adding Mongrel Processes for a New Apache Port

The number of Orchestrator mongrels can be increased, and they can also have the port listen on a different Apache port. This procedure is applicable to situations where a high volume of API calls to Orchestrator slows down the user interface.

  1. Edit orchestrator.yml (the Orchestrator configuration file) to increase the number of mongrels.
    1. Open orchestrator.yml from the following location:
    2. Locate the option max_mongrels and increase it to the desired integer.
    3. Restart Orchestrator, using the procedure in Restarting Orchestrator.
  2. Create a virtual host for Orchestrator inside the configuration file for Apache.
    1. Create a file in the following directory:

      Aspera recommends naming this file custom_config.conf.

    2. Add the following configuration content to the file:
      Listen port_number
      VirtualHost *:port_number
      	ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
      Alias /aspera/orchestrator/images "/opt/aspera/orchestrator/public/images"
      Alias /aspera/orchestrator/stylesheets "/opt/aspera/orchestrator/public/stylesheets"
      Alias /aspera/orchestrator/javascripts "/opt/aspera/orchestrator/public/javascripts"
      <Directory "/opt/aspera/orchestrator/public">
       Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride none
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
      <Proxy balancer://orchestrator_cluster>
       Allow from all
      ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator/images !
      ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator/stylesheets !
      ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator/javascripts !
      # send the proxy request
         # @web_root starts with / if not nil
         ProxyPass /aspera/orchestrator balancer://orchestrator_cluster/aspera/orchestrator
         RequestHeader set X_FORWARDED_PROTO "https"

      The number of mongrels currently running in Orchestrator must match the number of BalancerMembers (load balancers); there are five BalancerMembers in the example above.

    3. Open the configuration file for Apache to confirm that the custom directory is loaded. The configuration file is found in the following location:
    Note: Repeat this step as needed to add more ports to the configuration.
  3. Restart Apache with the following command:
    # asctl apache:restart
  4. Test the results of the prodedure.
    1. Open Orchestrator from the following URL:
      Note: Replace localhost with the machine IP if accessing Orchestrator from a remote node.
    2. Log in with a valid user ID and password.
      You are redirected to the Work Orders page.