Setup Orchestrator from File

Method name setup_from_file (filepath)
Command asctl orchestrator:setup_from_file [filepath]
Details Run setup using the answers from a file created using "create_setup_file". Redo the setup of Orchestrator configuration to parameters from this setup file.
Inputs Filepath (String)
Outputs STDOUT the progress of the operation
# asctl orchestrator:setup_from_file /tmp/setup.txt

===================== Settings =====================
  Enabled:               true
  Mongrel count:         3
  Mongrel base port:     3004
  Web root:              /aspera/orchestrator
  MySQL is local:        true

Are these settings correct? (y/n/x with x for exit) y
  Enabling orchestrator...

--Generating Orchestrator config file
--Setting up database configuration file
(in /opt/aspera/orchestrator-version)
orchestrator already exists
orchestrator already exists
orchestrator_test already exists
(in /opt/aspera/orchestrator-version)
--Generating Orchestrator executables
--Setting up Orchestrator service
--Setting up install specific images
--Setting up install specific stylesheets
--Setting up install specific pages
--Setting up Apache as a proxy
Enable Apache proxying for Apache (from Aspera common)
Updating Apache configuration file /opt/aspera/common/apache/custom/orchestrator_orchestrator.conf
To start Aspera Orchestrator, run  asctl orchestrator:start
  Task Name                                                 Status
  Enabling orchestrator                                        OK